Siri Shortcuts

How can I use Siri Shortcuts to integrate with third-party apps?

Siri Shortcuts are a great way to make your life easier and more efficient.

They allow you to quickly access and control third-party apps with your voice.

This guide is for anyone who wants to learn how to integrate Siri Shortcuts with third-party apps.

How To

  1. Download the Shortcuts app from the App Store.
  2. Open the Shortcuts app and select the “Create Shortcut” option.
  3. Choose the third-party app you want to integrate with Siri Shortcuts.
  4. Select the action you want to perform with the app.
  5. Name your shortcut and select the “Add to Siri” option.
  6. Record the phrase you want to use to activate the shortcut.
  7. Test your shortcut to make sure it works.

Best Practices

  • Choose a phrase that is easy to remember and pronounce.
  • Test your shortcut regularly to make sure it is working properly.
  • Be aware of the privacy settings of the third-party app you are integrating with.
  • Keep your shortcuts organized and up-to-date.


Let’s say you want to quickly order a pizza with your voice.

You can use Siri Shortcuts to integrate with a third-party pizza delivery app.

First, you would download the Shortcuts app from the App Store.

Then, you would open the Shortcuts app and select the “Create Shortcut” option.

Next, you would choose the third-party pizza delivery app you want to integrate with Siri Shortcuts.

After that, you would select the action you want to perform with the app (in this case, ordering a pizza).

You would then name your shortcut and select the “Add to Siri” option.

Finally, you would record the phrase you want to use to activate the shortcut (e.g.

“Order pizza with [app name]”).

Once you have done this, you can test your shortcut to make sure it works.

Now, whenever you want to order a pizza, you can simply say the phrase you recorded and your order will be placed.

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