Layout Design

Hierarchy is an important concept in layout design. It helps to create visual order and structure, and can be used to guide the viewer’s eye through the page.

Hierarchy is an important concept in layout design. It helps to create visual order and structure, and can be used to guide the viewer’s eye through the page. In this guide, we’ll cover the basics of hierarchy, how to use it in your designs, and some best practices and examples.

Getting Started

Hierarchy is all about creating a visual order and structure. It’s used to guide the viewer’s eye through the page, and to emphasize certain elements. Hierarchy can be created through the use of size, color, contrast, and other design elements.

How To Use Hierarchy

When creating a hierarchy, it’s important to consider the order in which elements should be presented. The most important elements should be placed at the top, and the least important elements should be placed at the bottom. This will help to create a visual flow and guide the viewer’s eye through the page.

  • Size: Larger elements will draw more attention than smaller elements.
  • Color: Colors can be used to emphasize certain elements.
  • Contrast: High contrast elements will stand out more than low contrast elements.
  • Position: Elements at the top of the page will be seen first.

Best Practices

When creating a hierarchy, it’s important to consider the order in which elements should be presented. The most important elements should be placed at the top, and the least important elements should be placed at the bottom. This will help to create a visual flow and guide the viewer’s eye through the page.

  • Keep it simple: Too many elements can be overwhelming and confusing.
  • Be consistent: Use the same design elements throughout the page.
  • Optimize for SEO: Use keywords to help search engines find your page.
  • Test and refine: Test your design and make adjustments as needed.


Here are some examples of how hierarchy can be used in layout design:

  • Headings: Headings can be used to create a visual hierarchy and emphasize important elements.
  • Lists: Lists can be used to organize information and make it easier to read.
  • Images: Images can be used to draw attention to certain elements.
  • White space: White space can be used to create visual separation between elements.
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