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Crazy EggUse Crazy Egg to see what's hot and what's not, and to know what your web visitors are doing with tools, such as heatmaps, recordings, surveys, A/B testing & more. Find out more
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Keep up to date about Bug Tracking offers like BugHerd
Crazy Egg is a powerful web analytics tool that helps businesses understand how visitors interact with their website. It provides detailed heatmaps, scroll maps, and A/B testing capabilities to help businesses optimize their website for maximum conversions. It is an ideal tool for businesses of all sizes, from small startups to large enterprises.
Crazy Egg is a powerful and comprehensive web analytics tool that stands out from its competitors. It offers more detailed heatmaps and scroll maps than most of its competitors, as well as more advanced A/B testing capabilities. It also offers real-time analytics and integrations with popular marketing and analytics tools.