Compare Express.js and Zoho Assist


Express.js Logo


Express is a fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for Node.js. It provides a robust set of features for web and mobile applications, allowing you to create APIs, build websites, and more. Find out more
Zoho Assist Logo

Zoho Assist

Remote access is a feature that helps you remotely support, access, control & troubleshoot desktops. Try Zoho Assist-the best Remote support software for free! Find out more
Try Express.jsTry Zoho Assist
Why you should consider it
  • Express is the Fastest Growing Node.js Web Framework, with Over 10,000 Stars on GitHub
  • Express is the Most Popular Node.js Web Framework, with Over 40 Million Downloads Per Month
  • Express is Used by Over Half of All Node.js Developers
What are the benefits?
  • Fast Development
  • Flexible Routing
  • High Performance
  • Robust APIs
  • Easy To Use
  • Secure Connection
Things to look out for
  • Learning Curve
  • Performance Issues
  • Scalability Limits
  • Security Risks
  • Limited Integrations
  • No Mobile App
Who is it for?
  • API Developers
  • Back-End Developers
  • Front-End Developers
  • Full-Stack Developers
  • Mobile App Developers
  • Web Developers
  • Customer Support Teams
  • Healthcare Providers
  • IT Professionals
  • Managed Service Providers
  • Small Business Owners

API Developers


Express.js is a web application framework for Node.js, designed for building web applications and APIs.

It is the most popular Node.js framework and is the underlying library for a number of popular web applications.

Who Should Use Express.js?

Express.js is ideal for developers who need to build web applications and APIs quickly and easily.

It is a great choice for those who are already familiar with Node.js and JavaScript, as it is easy to learn and use.

Key Benefits and Features

How Does Express.js Compare to its Competitors?

Express.js is the most popular Node.js framework, and is used by many developers for building web applications and APIs.

It is highly extensible and has robust routing, integrated middleware, and flexible templating.

It also supports multiple databases.

Other popular Node.js frameworks include Koa.js, Hapi.js, and Sails.js.

Help & Support

What is middleware?
Middleware is software that provides common services and functionality to other software components. In Express, middleware functions are used to modify requests and responses, and to provide additional functionality to an application.
How do I install Express?
Express can be installed using the Node Package Manager (npm). To install Express, run the following command in your terminal: npm install express
How do I use Express?
Express can be used to create web applications and APIs. To create an Express application, you will need to create a Node.js project and install the Express package. Once installed, you can use the Express API to create routes, handle requests, and more.
What is Express?
Express is a minimal and flexible Node.js web application framework that provides a robust set of features for web and mobile applications.
What is Node.js?
Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript run-time environment that executes JavaScript code outside of a browser.
What are the features of Express?
Express provides a robust set of features for web and mobile applications, including a wide range of HTTP utility methods, middleware support, and the ability to easily create and run web servers.

Zoho Assist

Zoho Assist is a remote support and access software that helps businesses to provide seamless remote support to their customers and employees.

It is a cloud-based solution that allows users to access and control remote computers and mobile devices from anywhere in the world.

Who should use it?

Key benefits and features

How it compares with its competitors

Zoho Assist is a feature-rich remote support and access software that offers a wide range of functionalities at an affordable price.

It is a great alternative to other remote support tools like TeamViewer, LogMeIn, and GoToAssist.

Zoho Assist offers a free plan with limited features and paid plans that are more affordable than its competitors.

Help & Support

What are the features of Zoho Assist?
Zoho Assist offers features such as remote support, unattended access, file transfer, chat support, and session recording.
How does Zoho Assist ensure security?
Zoho Assist uses 256-bit SSL and 2048-bit RSA encryption to ensure secure data transfer. It also offers two-factor authentication and allows you to set up access permissions.
What platforms does Zoho Assist support?
Zoho Assist supports Windows, Mac, and Linux operating systems. It also supports iOS and Android mobile devices.
What is the pricing for Zoho Assist?
Sorry, pricing information is excluded from this list of FAQs.
Does Zoho Assist offer a free trial?
Yes, Zoho Assist offers a 14-day free trial with no credit card required.
What kind of customer support does Zoho Assist offer?
Zoho Assist offers 24/5 email and phone support, as well as a knowledge base and community forum.
What is Zoho Assist?
Zoho Assist is a remote support and access software that helps you support customers or access unattended computers anytime, anywhere.

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