Apple Photos

Using iCloud Photo Library with Apple Photos: Use iCloud to store, share, and sync photos across all your Apple devices.

If you’re an Apple user and you love taking photos, it’s important to learn how to use iCloud Photo Library with Apple Photos.

This guide is for anyone who wants to keep their photos organised and easily accessible across all their Apple devices.

Getting started

Before you start using iCloud Photo Library with Apple Photos, make sure you have:

  1. An Apple ID
  2. An Apple device with the latest version of iOS or macOS
  3. A reliable internet connection

How to

  1. Open the Photos app on your Apple device
  2. Go to Settings > iCloud > Photos
  3. Turn on iCloud Photo Library
  4. Select either “Optimize iPhone Storage” or “Download and Keep Originals” depending on your storage needs
  5. Wait for your photos to upload to iCloud
  6. Once your photos are uploaded, you can access them on any of your Apple devices

Best practices

  • Regularly back up your photos to an external hard drive or cloud storage service
  • Organise your photos into albums for easy access
  • Use keywords and descriptions to help you find specific photos
  • Delete photos you no longer need to save storage space


Here’s an example of a real-world scenario:

Role-play conversation:

John: Hey, Sarah.

I recently got a new iPhone and I want to make sure all my photos are backed up.

Can you help me set up iCloud Photo Library with Apple Photos?

Sarah: Sure, John.

It’s really easy.

First, open the Photos app on your iPhone and go to Settings > iCloud > Photos.

Then turn on iCloud Photo Library and select “Optimize iPhone Storage” or “Download and Keep Originals” depending on your storage needs.

Your photos will automatically upload to iCloud and be accessible on any of your Apple devices.

John: That sounds great.

Do you have any tips for keeping my photos organised?

Sarah: Definitely.

I recommend organising your photos into albums and using keywords and descriptions to help you find specific photos.

And don’t forget to regularly back up your photos to an external hard drive or cloud storage service.

John: Thanks, Sarah.

You’re a lifesaver!

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